Get In On the Action
Join nature enthusiasts and trail building pros to dig in the dirt, support trail stewardship, and make new friends.
Stewardship Stats
Since 1997 we have worked to support, preserve, and expand access to trails throughout the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Volunteer Hours
Become a Member
My favorite thing about working with SCMTS is that I get to be a (small) part of a group that accomplishes so much. From the coordination of thousands of hours of volunteerism, to making sure riding and recreation voices are head in public land decisions, to teaching people what it means to be a steward of our public lands. SCMTS doesn't just talk, it does.
Jason Strnad - SCMTS Member
In a community that prides itself on its parks, trails and outdoor recreation, SCMTS is a great partner with the City of Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation Department to sustain what we have and invest in the future. Matt and the team at SCMTS are pros and bring nothing less than 100% to their work projects and service in Santa Cruz.
Tony Elliot - City of Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation Director
"The Land Trust has worked closely and extensively with SCMTS on a number of projects and look forward to doing so again. They are professional, enthusiastic, and they get things done. The Land Trust regards SCMTS as a critical partner in protecting, caring for, and connecting people to nature. I personally donate because they are one of the outstanding nonprofits in our county. They are shovel ready!"
Stephen Slade - Land Trust of Santa Cruz County Executive Director
The Inside Scoop
Trail stewardship happens year-round. Check out what's going on in the SCMTS community.